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Feature request: Having my own benchmarks (they are currently fixed)

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  • Feature request: Having my own benchmarks (they are currently fixed)


    I was hoping to add an exercise I want to benchmark, but I went to Manage your Goals and I see benchmark exercises are fixed.
    As a female I'm not so interested in my benchpress as I am of my hip thrusts so I was a bit disappointed that I cannot add my own benchmark exercises here.

    It would be a nice feature to have.


  • #2
    Originally posted by esther_fuldauer View Post

    I was hoping to add an exercise I want to benchmark, but I went to Manage your Goals and I see benchmark exercises are fixed.
    As a female I'm not so interested in my benchpress as I am of my hip thrusts so I was a bit disappointed that I cannot add my own benchmark exercises here.

    It would be a nice feature to have.

    For now there are only 6 PreSet Benchmark exercises. These are:
    Barbell Bench Press
    Barbell Deadlift
    Barbell Squat
    Barbell Curl
    Barbell Lying Extension
    Barbell Shoulder Press

    If you wish to add more exercises for progress tracking purposes, we suggest that you add the exercises to your Favorites. As you set exercises as your "favorite" exercises, these exercises will also be tracked as your custom benchmark exercises to track your progress and stats for.

