Anyone have any tips on recognizing they need a deload before your body makes it clear?
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c_ram3000 Signs that you need a deload include stalling on your progress, muscles and joints are more achy than usual, decreased sleep quality, lack of motivation to workout, and workouts feel harder to complete.

I would plan a deload every 8-10 weeks of intense training (6-8 weeks if you're in a calorie deficit) and take it regardless of how you're feeling. Prevention is paramount to avoiding injury.
1 year ago
Jakethegr86 I find when I struggle with weight that I normally handle easily that's a sign that I need a week of lighter weights and just refocus on form and technique.
1 year ago
JesterSpirit When the weights feel just little heavier than they should and I’m not super excited about lifting. I feel my Deload is as much mental and it is physical
1 year ago
AelwxKraetorDraNator When I'm having troubles getting up in the morning, I just lower my training volume, works like a charm
1 year ago
tom_porter if you program your lifting into phases your deloads are built into your mesocycles. sometimes your body just says enough regardless of your program. look at Renaissance Periodization's site for a lot of details.
1 year ago
BenJP As for deloading before any symptoms show: pay attention to the number of training weeks between when your body needs a deload and then program one into your plan one or two weeks before that.

For example, if you are able to workout for 9 weeks after your deload before the weights start to get heavy or you find yourself extra tired then plan to take a deload week every 7 weeks of your plan. 7 weeks on, 1 week deload.

And then … keep paying attention. It’s expected for you to need earlier deload weeks if you have extra external stressors (work/ family/ health) or if you start lifting heavier. Listen to your body.
1 year ago

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