5X5 split BLS for increased muscle and firm, solid core
PapaRob avatar PapaRob
Oct 24th 2019

5X5 split BLS for increased muscle and firm, solid core


5 DAYS - Bulking - Intermediate

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Take one of the best JEFIT offered workout programs for compound exercises and meld this with a workout that focuses on using the philosophy of Bigger, Leaner, Stronger principles of Mike Matthews and spice it up with the established norms of a sound cardio warm up and building a solid firm core and you have this workout routine.

This is a 6 day per week split of compound exercise movements and motions to target muscles for growth. Also included is cardio for warm up and Abs concentration for building a toned and firm core.

For BLS fans, consider the 5 day split (minus Sat) as a de-load week workout routine with about 10% lower weight loads than used for strength workouts (70%1RM).

Load up weights to about 80% 1RM plus add the Saturday workout for strength training weeks.

Three strength weeks, one de-load week per month is my personal preference.

Note: A compound exercise is a workout that uses more than one joint and more than one muscle group to target the specific muscle that you are currently targeting.

Also important to note: If you are tracking the Strength Benchmark The exercises marked with 8 sets are keyed to the JEFIT Benchmark Exercise Goal