Boxing Strength Training
JefitTeam avatar JefitTeam
Feb 15th 2013

Boxing Strength Training


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This is a 5 day boxing routine based on increasing stamina, endurance, building muscle, strength and overall improving physical condition for boxing.

With this 5 day split you will be working out with weights for 3 days a week to build muscle and gain strength; followed by 3 days of cardio training for increasing endurance and stamina.

In the weight lifting splits you will spend 1 day to train only lower body, then splitting upper body and lower body then a final workout day training only upper body. This training style will help with an overall physical muscle building and proportional physique.

For each exercise you want to perform 4 to 5 sets per exercise. As you are looking to gaining muscle and endurance you want to keep your repetitions between 12 and 14 reps for each set.

*** Notes :

Stretching and warming up before working out is key to prevent injury.

As a boxer you do not want to bulk up in muscle as that will slow you down, you have want to have strength, speed and endurance to outlast your opponents.

Make sure with any boxing training that stay hydrated as boxing is a physically demanding sport.

Diet is also key for boxing training to make the clean and massive gains that you are looking for.